It doesn't matter how often I ruthlessly clean out cupboards and kids bedrooms more mess or crap (insert your own preferance here) reappears. Where the darn heck did all this stuff (or crap) come from?
Specifically I am referring to our latest
But, I digress.
The re-shuffle invovled space clearing, which involved throwing things out, which involved storing things in one spot until it is chucked or sold. Which involves a clutter of messes (that's the collective noun I'm using) which equals stress every time I look at these growing piles of where-the-heck-did-that-come-from? mess.
*sigh* this also seems to give free licence to the rest of the family to create more clutter of messes of their own not-to-throw stuff.
Does anyone else live in a growing / breeding /reappering pile of stuff?
Do you throw, threaten, keep calm or get stressed?