Saturday, April 14, 2007

Autumn feels like spring

Had one of those days that leave you smiling in the car on the way home. In my attempts to decerase the size of my stomach we loaded the car up with the kids bikes, our super comfy sneakers, the trusty camera and a bit of cash. Parked the car at the usual Kangaroo Point spot and began the treadling. Thank God Miss Jilly has learnt to ride without training wheels. Certainly makes a difference.

We battled the downhill sections with a yell of "Brake Jilly, Brake!!!" followed shortly by "Left Jilly Left". Arrived at Southbank, rode along the riverfront, turned around and diverged to the waterpark they have built.

Never ceases to amaze me that kids will play in water regardless of the temperature 'outside' or of the water itself. Nonetheless, they stripped off and happily splashed, ran and played...

Took the opportunity to 'play' with the Aperture on the camera. Far too much light, I know.

In an attempt to thaw the children and control the chattering of teeth had a hot chocolate at the Donut King they have there now. Watched them play on the grass and thought, "Some days just rock".


  1. Looks like a fabulous family day! Love those. Great photos, love the one of Josh and the playing ones are interesting, I like the effect :)

  2. hey B, so lovely to see you last night. i laughed when I read your message "send me an email, I've changed my email address". lol. assuming that if I sent you one it would come back then! my address is
    See you again soon.
    peace and love, k xxxx
