Saturday, January 03, 2009

More Than Words

Yr 7 Camp - Great Keppel Island 2008

Picking a word for 2009 is not an easy task. It takes thought and discussion with a trusted few to be satisfied with a word that has to last a whole 12 months.

I have to pick a word that is not too conceited, needs explaining, is vague or too easy to change the definition of.

Why is it that a word that is suppose to define us is defined by what others may think or suggest?

My husband had no trouble. With minimal thought he promptly responed to my question with, "Done". To finish those unfinished jobs and be able to say "Done". He thinks me asking him has something been achieved to which he can proudly respond "Done" to is going to be a good thing. Great thing I say!

Me, well I toyed with a few words, 'calm', too meditative, 'control', too bossy, 'just do it', too cliche. In the end it took a clairvoyant girlfriend of mine to say "No, Briohny, your word for 2009 is going to be strength". So strength it is. I like it. Strength to say and do what my heart is guiding me to do. To be bold and resolute in my actions, to be strong in character and will, to be physically and mentally able.

And, to finally lose, and not find, those 20 kilos that have decided to be an unwanted companion.

What word is going to define you for 2009?


  1. Oh B, I know! Do you know that 3 of the words in contention for me are this year: "Breathe, calm and resolute". I thought it was serendipitous that you used the word 'resolute' in this post. It's NOT a common word. As much as I need to be calmer, I need to be stronger in my life and resolute is a good word for that. But I THINK my word this year is Breathe. Because I need to panic less. Nothing more nothing less. Just getting by. BREATHING. Living a normal everyday life. Batshit boring really. But normal. Let's catch up soon and we can talk about how we want to be stronger and more resolute but really how we just want to get through the day. Does that make sense? Or have I just had too many wines? Whatever, lots of love to you. And happy new year. my ph 0423 821 210 xxxx

  2. dear B, I promise I'll try my best in future not to post rambling nutbag posts on your blog after I've had too much to drink. I promise to try, no guarantees. Happy Sunday lovely. xxxx
